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I agree, do not show this message again.Edge emission of ZnO grown on Si whiskers
- Kotelnikov Institute of Radio-Engineering and Electronics of Russian Academy of Sciences, Mokhovaya 11-7, Moscow, 125009, Russian Federation
- Shubnikov Institute of Crystallography of Federal Scientific Research Centre “Crystallographyand Photonics” of Russian Academy of Sciences, Leninskiy Prospekt 59, Moscow, 119333, Russia
ZnOnanostructuresweregrownon Si substratesby vapor-liquid-solid methodandtheir edge luminescence and lasing were observed and analyzed.Twotypes ofSi substrates were used: a substratewith Si whiskersanda substratewithSiwhiskers covered with Au globules.It was foundout that decomposition of luminescence spectraof the samplesinto Gaussian componentsallows assuming that spectra consist of three bands. Detailed analysis of the dependenceof spectral position of all componentson pump level showed that the first (high frequency) component is due toexciton recombination, the second one is aP line and the third onecan be due toradiation related todefect level. Most likely this defect is interstitial zinc. In the case of the sample with Auon whiskers,lasing was observed from some regions of the sample where microcrystals served as optical resonators.Moreover, the use of Aunoticeably increases intensity of P line and radiation due to defect level..
ZnO, Whiskers,Luminescence, Lasing, Si Substrate, Au Globules, P line.
Submitted at: Sept. 29, 2020
Accepted at: April 8, 2021
CHARUS M.BRISKINA, VALERY M. MARKUSHEV, LUDMILA A.ZADOROZHNAYA, MIKHAIL E.GIVARGIZOV, VLADIMIR M.KANEVSKY, Edge emission of ZnO grown on Si whiskers, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials Vol. 23, Iss. 3-4, pp. 150-156 (2021)
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