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I agree, do not show this message again.Electron transport and electrical properties in donor-acceptor copolymers:methanofullerene derivative blends
Y. R. CHEN1, L. G. WANG1,* , Y. GUO1,* , L. ZHANG1, Y. J. WANG1
- School of Electrical Engineering and Automation, Henan Polytechnic University, Jiaozuo, 454000, People’s Republic of China
The bulk-heterojunction photovoltaic devices fabricated from blends ofdonor–acceptor (D–A) copolymersas electron donorandfullerene derivatives as electron acceptor haverecentlyattracted considerable attention. In this paper,the electrontransportand electrical propertiesin the blends of D–A copolymerDTS-HT-C0(F2) and methanofullerenederivativePC71BM are investigated.From an analysis of the temperaturedependence of thecurrent density-voltage (VJ) characteristics of electron-onlydevicebased on the blends of DTS-HT-C0(F2) and PC71BM, it is found that consistentdescriptions for the experimental measurements are obtained using both the improved extended Gaussian disorder model (IEGDM) and the extended correlated disorder model (ECDM),within which spatial correlations between the transportsite energies areabsent andare included, respectively.By comparing the model parameters with the typical values of organic materials, we view the more realistic intersite distance obtained using the IEGDM (3nm) compared to the value obtained using the ECDM (0.78nm) as an indication that inthe DTS-HT-C0(F2):PC71BMblendscorrelations between the transportsite energies are absent.Furthermore, it is shownthat the effective mobility in the DTS-HT-C0(F2):PC71BMblendsgraduallyincreases with increasing temperature..
Electron transport,Donor-acceptor copolymers, Methanofullerenederivative,Intersite distance, Energydisorder.
Submitted at: Sept. 23, 2020
Accepted at: April 8, 2021
Y. R. CHEN, L. G. WANG, Y. GUO, L. ZHANG, Y. J. WANG, Electron transport and electrical properties in donor-acceptor copolymers:methanofullerene derivative blends, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials Vol. 23, Iss. 3-4, pp. 161-166 (2021)
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